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The Adaptability of Education Systems to Future Challenges in Context: an Analytical Framework

Rado, Peter
The paper offers a detailed analytical framework for comparative research on the ability of the Central-Eastern European education systems to adapt to disruptive external future challenges, such as technological changes and their impact on labor markets, demographic changes (ageing, migration, etc.), climate change, populist politics and autocratic governance, old and new inequalities, or changing gender roles. The paper provides an overview of the potential effects of these challenges on education and of the key elements of mainstream international educational strategies for adaptation. The paper introduces those analytical concepts that enable assessing the preparedness of schools and educational governance systems to foster adaptation.
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Contributor: Center for Policy Studies - http://cps.ceu.hu
Topic: Politics and Governance
Country: EU
Document Type: Political Analyses and Commentaries
Year: 2020
Keywords: Aging Society, Climate Change, Demographics, Education, Gender, Globalisation, Government, Migration
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