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The Armenian Atlantic Association is a non-governmental organization established on October 30, 2001 to foster Armenia’s links with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and promote better understanding within Armenia of NATO’s mission and activities in the changing international environment. To that end, the Association strives to correct misperceptions about NATO and its policies that exist among Armenia’s political elite and ordinary citizens. The Association adheres to the principles of equality, self-governance and public service. The Association does not pursue political aims and is not affiliated with any political group.
The Armenian Center for National and International Studies, a leading independent strategic research center in Yerevan, is the institutional initiative of Raffi K. Hovannisian, Armenia’s first Minister of Foreign Affairs. The institute focuses on a comprehensive agenda of foreign and public policy issues, which are articulated analytically in political and academic arenas around the world.
The Armenian International Policy Research Group is a nonpartisan, nonpolitical association that researches and encourages the discussion of public policy issues in Armenia and the Diaspora. AIPRG aims to consolidate the existing Armenia-related expertise by bringing together accomplished researchers and practitioners who specialize in economics, political science, law, and government affairs. The Group also aspires to advance capacity building by providing opportunities for aspiring young professionals to develop their skills through research and interactions with experts in their respective fields. In addition to conducting research, AIPRG intends to organize conferences and seminars designed to promote discussions and initiate policy dialogue regarding important Armenian and Diaspora-related issues. By way of research and conferences, the Group plans to collaborate with Development Agencies, International Financial Institutions, the donor community, individual researchers, and policy practitioners in order to achieve these goals and a greater understanding of the development issues related to Armenia and the Diaspora.
The International Center for Human Development is a non-governmental, non-profit independent research and public policy institution. As a distinctive think tank, it pays particular attention to research and attempts to develop a unique vision for tackling the main problems of economic development and social safety. The Center’s interests include: strengthening of civil society; regional integration and peace building; social sector and poverty alleviation; governance and public sector reforms; development of free market institutions; local governance assistance; environmental issues; primary health care; promotion of culture, etc.
In the spirit of the Latin ‘Civilitas’ – the citizen’s responsibility to society – the Civilitas Foundation encourages the responsibility of every citizen to contribute to the realization of a functioning and prosperous democracy and promotes the right of every individual to benefit from his/her full potential.
The Foundation’s goals of generating and fostering innovative ideas and initiatives and assisting or creating the mechanisms and institutions that bring them to fruition are met through two major program areas: The Council on International Relations and the Democracy and Development Initiative.