Bulgaria |
The Access to Information Programme (AIP) Foundation is a non-governmental organization established on October 23, 1996 in Sofia, Bulgaria by journalists, lawyers, sociologists, and economists working in the area of human rights. They joined efforts to promote the right to information and initiate a public debate on related issues. The mission of AIP is to facilitate the implementation of Article 41 of the Bulgarian Constitution which establishes the right of information: (1) Everyone shall be entitled to seek, obtain and disseminate information. This right shall not be exercised to the detriment of the rights and reputation of others, or to the detriment of national security, public order, public health and morality. (2) Citizens shall be entitled to obtain information from state bodies and agencies on any matter of legitimate interest to them which is not a state or official secret and does not affect the rights of others.
The Center for Economic Development (CED) is a non-governmental think tank in the economic policy area, established in 1997. It is the successor to the Economic Group at the New Bulgarian University, active since 1996, and the Working Group on Privatization, established in the summer of 1997. The Center for Economic Development has clearly defined its goals. It actively contributes to Bulgaria’s economic development and achievement of sustainable growth, plays a key role in formulating economic policy options and in promoting public debate on major economic issues; fosters cooperation between the public, private, NGO sector, and educational institutions in addressing and resolving economic problems.
The Center for Economic Development (CED) is a non-governmental think tank in the economic policy area, established in 1997. It is the successor to the Economic Group at the New Bulgarian University, active since 1996, and the Working Group on Privatization, established in the summer of 1997. The Center for Economic Development has clearly defined its goals. It actively contributes to Bulgaria’s economic development and achievement of sustainable growth, plays a key role in formulating economic policy options and in promoting public debate on major economic issues; fosters cooperation between the public, private, NGO sector, and educational institutions in addressing and resolving economic problems. The Center for Economic Development has succeeded in gaining the position of a leading economic policy research organization in Bulgaria. It achieves its goals and objectives through various tools and numerous activities. It carries out economic research, analysis and elaboration of current economic legislation; develops economic policy options, advocates for proper implementation of policies and promotes the exchange of ideas and information among experts community; increases public awareness through the dissemination of findings; organizes workshops, conferences, and other public events.CED efforts are proactively focused at shaping Bulgaria’s economic policy, at assisting economic reforms and establishing a functioning market economy in the country.
Founded in late 1989, the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) is an interdisciplinary public policy institute dedicated to the values of democracy and market economy. CSD is a non-partisan, independent organization fostering the reform process in Bulgaria through impact on policy and civil society.CSD encourages an open dialogue between scholars and policy makers and promotes public-private coalition building. As a full-service think tank, the Center achieves its objectives through policy research, process monitoring, drafting of legislation, dissemination and advocacy activities, building partnerships, local and international networks.
CLS is a new generation think tank, born out of the political changes in Eastern Europe. We try to make a difference both on the field of research and on the field of policy. Our major advantage is our strategic imagination.
In Bulgarian language there is no word for think tank.
But in Bulgarian public debate CLS is one of the key words for ”change”.
The Centre for Social Practices was born in 1993 as an informal agenda-setting circle for the strengthening of civil society and NGOs in Bulgaria. It was formalized as a non-governmental organization in 1994, and acquired the status of a department at the New Bulgarian University in 1995. Our first major projects were to do with the resolution and prevention of conflicts between citizens and government, and between local communities and the central authorities. From the beginning we worked on the theory - since then proven itself to be correct - that countries such as Bulgaria can become modern, open and democratic only if carefully structured from the bottom-up: from the communities (municipalities) to national legislation. Since the late 1990s we have been increasingly drawn into working for citizen participation in policy at the local (municipal, regional) level and more than nine-tenths of our work takes place outside Sofia. The representation and participation of vulnerable groups (ethnic minorities, but not only) take up increasing proportions of our time and efforts. We are also gradually drawn into participating in writing legislation on subjects we have a recognized capacity in, which are mostly to do with open and accountable government. On the strength of such analyses since 2003 we find ourselves increasingly being part of international, EU- and OSCE-organized research efforts.
The Council of Ministers is the executive state body that directs the domestic and foreign policy of the country.
The Economic Policy Institute is a non-governmental non-profit organization, founded on 12 May 1997.
Its mission is to encourage and support the implementation of free market experience and know-how that will influence Bulgaria's effective participation in the global economy and its membership in Euro-Atlantic structures.
EPI's primary tasks are:
a) to bring experts together to explore issues and exchange views in order to generate innovative proposals for practical economic policy measures;
b) to provoke public discussions on economic issues;
c) to provide independent expert opinions and analyses;
d) to inform and influence policy- and decision makers and the society;
e) to encourage pro-active dialogue;
f) to research economic issues and introduce best practices;
g) to provide analysis of alternative approaches to economic issues.
The European Institute is an independent policy centre, founded in April 1999 in response to Bulgaria’s increased efforts at speeding up the process of preparing for EU membership. EU accession is an overarching priority for Bulgaria and demands the concerted efforts of both government agencies and society at large. The mission of the European Institute is to support the efforts of governmental and non-governmental agencies to successfully prepare Bulgaria for EU membership through research, technical assistance, raising public awareness and training.
IME is the first independent economic think tank in Bulgaria. Its mission is to elaborate and advocate market approaches to challenges citizens and businesses encounter pursuing their undertakings. IME objectives are to provide: independent assessment and analysis of the government's economic policies; a focal point for an exchange of views on market economics and relevant policy issues; and an internationally supported Bulgarian think thank which is widely respected for its expertise. Special attention is given to the following policy areas: a) European Union accession and integration; b) pension, healthcare and education reform; c) administrative and regulatory reforms, efficiency and private provision of public services; d) internet provision of economic knowledge via EASI; e) reforms in the Balkans and beyond; f) competitiveness; g) improving environmental quality through markets.
The Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) is an independent, non-government think tank established on June 11, 1997 by leading Bulgarian public and political figures, NGO leaders and prominent Bulgarian scholars in international relations, Balkan studies, history, social and political science, anthropology and economics. The Institute for Regional and International Studies initiates, develops and implements civic strategies for democratic politics on national, regional and international level. The Institute promotes the values of democracy, civil society, freedom and respect of law, assists the process of Bulgarian integration in NATO and the EU and provides public policy analyses on current domestic and international issues. IRIS represents a strategic combination of advocacy-oriented and education-oriented think tank.
The International Center for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations (IMIR) was founded in April 1992 in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Islam and Christian – Muslim Relations, Birmingham, UK and the Center for Research in Ethnic Relations, Warwick, UK. IMIR is a private, non-political, non-profit and non-governmental organization. It is dedicated to the values of peaceful coexistence and tolerant interaction between different cultures, ethnoses and religions in Southeastern Europe and actively works for preservation and integration of all minority communities in Bulgaria.
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (Bulgarian: Министерство на образованието и науката, Ministerstvo na obrazovanieto i naukata) of Bulgaria is the ministry charged with regulating and promoting the educational and scientific work in the country.
According to Decree N873/19.06.1976 of the State Council, environmental protection activities were set apart from the Ministry of Forestry and Environmental Protection and an Environmental Protection Committee, attached to the Council of Ministers, was created. An order of the Council of Ministers determined the goals and approved the numbers and the structure of the EPC, whose basic tasks are to organize and coordinate the environmental protection regulatory system, coordinate and control the national environmental protection program, coordinate and control the rational utilization of natural resources as well as implementing special controls for furthering environmental protection.
The Southeast European Legal Development Initiative (SELDI) is an effort of leading not-for-profit organizations, representatives of government institutions and experts from the countries of Southeast Europe aimed at public-private coalition building for legal development in those countries
The overall goal of SELDI is to contribute to the building of the rule of law and democratic institutions in the countries of SEE. The major methodological pillar of SELDI's implementation activities is the institutionalization of regional public-private cooperation in anti-corruption and judicial reform. It will be realized through an open process ensuring the input of all stakeholders in the region.