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Center for Economics and Politics Contributions

Founded in 1998 by Vaclav Klaus (father of the Czech transformation from centrally planned to a market economy and now president of the Czech Republic) the Center for Economics and Politics (CEP) is a think-tank whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom and strong Trans-Atlantic relationship. CEP pursues this mission by performing research on key policy issues and marketing these findings to our primary audiences: policymakers, news media, and academic and policy communities. CEP’s products include publications, articles, or conferences. The Center for Economics and Politics is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization, it relies on the private financial support from individuals, foundations, and corporations and accepts no government funds. CEP is one of the most important public policy research organizations in the Czech Republic.

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Contributions

EUROPEUM was founded in 1998 as a civic association from the initiative of the lecturers at the Department of European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. The aim was to provide a platform for young researchers and university students interested in various aspects of European integration to develop their potential and capacity. EUROPEUM was built with a strong support of Faculty of Social Sciences and the Tempus programme of the European Commission. Over the past few years, it has evolved into a full-fledged think-tank that undertakes programme, project, publishing and training activities related to the European integration matters. In this respect, the organisation was re-named into EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy to reflect more on the activities that we deal with.

Institute of International Relations Contributions

The IIR is an independent research centre in the fields of international politics, international relations and foreign policy of the Czech Republic. The IIR conducts its own publishing and supports information and education. The IIR is connected to the Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic.

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic Contributions

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) is responsible for public administration in education, for developing educational, youth and sport policies and international cooperation in these fields.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic Contributions

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a central authority for the area of foreign policy, in the scope of which it prepares concepts and coordinates the development assistance and external economic relations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains relations of the Czech Republic with other states, international organizations and integrative blocks; it coordinates activities resulting from bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

Ministry of Industry and Trade Contributions

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is the central body of the government administration involved in developing the national industry policy, trade policy, foreign-economic policy, integrated raw materials policy, the use of mineral resources, energy, gas and heat production, mining, crude oil, natural gas, solid fuels, nuclear materials, ores and non-ores treatment and conversion. The ministry also has responsibility for metallurgy, machinery, electrical engineering and electronics, the chemical industry, crude oil processing, the rubber and plastic materials industry, the glass and ceramics industry, the textile and clothing industry, the leather and print industry, the paper, cellulose and wood-working industry, building materials production, building industry production, medical production, junk and metal waste. It acts on domestic trade and the protection of consumers interests, foreign trade and supporting exports, supports small and medium-sized companies matters with the exception of regional business support and trading matters. It has responsibility for technical standardization, metrology and state quality control and, finally, industrial research, engineering and technology development.

Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic Contributions

The Ministry of Interior is the supreme office for the realms of public administration, internal security, border protection and e-Government in the Czech Republic. The scope of competencies of the Ministry of the Interior is defined by Section 12 of Act No. 2/1969 Coll. on Establishing Ministries and Other Institutions of Central Government of the Czech Republic, as amended.

Ministry of the Environment, Czech Republic Contributions

The Ministry of the Environment (MoE) was established in January 1990 to function as the central state administrative authority and supreme inspection authority in environmental affairs. The MoE is the central state administrative authority for the protection of natural water accumulation, the protection of water resources and the quality of groundwater and surface water, air protection, nature and landscape protection, conservation of agricultural land, operation of the National Geological Survey, protection of the rock environment, including mineral resources and groundwater, geological works and environmental supervision of mining, waste management, environmental impact assessment of activities and their consequences, including transboundary game keeping, fisheries and forestry in national parks, and formulating national environmental policy. To guarantee the inspection activities of the Government of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of the Environment co-ordinates the activities of all Ministries and other central state administrative authorities of the Czech Republic in environmental matters.

Prague Security Studies Institute Contributions

The Prague Security Studies Institute is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in early 2002 to advance the building of a just, secure, democratic, free-market society in the Czech Republic and other post-communist states. PSSI’s mission is to help build an ever-growing group of informed and security-minded policy-makers dedicated to the development of democratic institutions and values in the Czech Republic and its regional neighbors. PSSI offers programs that meet the critical requirement to equip new generations of young leaders to manage the complex, security-related challenges of the 21st century. To fulfill its mission, PSSI undertakes to organize a variety of activities under its Security Scholars Program; Program of Atlantic Security Studies; Corporate Council Program; and other outreach projects and training courses. PSSI also aims to identify and analyze foreign policy and security-related issues in the area of transatlantic relations, and to propose practical and prudent policies to address these and other security challenges.

The Association for International Affairs Contributions

The Association for International Affairs - AMO is a non-governmental non-profit organization founded to promote research and education in the field of international relations. Thanks to its activities and tradition since 1997, AMO has established itself as the preeminent independent foreign policy think-tank in the Czech Republic.