International Organizations |
Founded in Brussels in 1983, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) is among the most experienced and authoritative think tanks operating in the European Union today. CEPS serves as a leading forum for debate on EU affairs, but its most distinguishing feature lies in its strong in-house research capacity, complemented by an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world.
CEPS’ funding is obtained from a variety of sources, including membership fees, project research, foundation grants, conferences fees, publication sales and an annual grant from the European Commission.
The Central European Policy Institute is a regional think-tank and a member of the Central European Strategy Council, based in Bratislava, Slovakia. Its mission is to help decision-makers and opinion-makers in Central Europe to craft common responses to current challenges, and to improve the quality of their contributions to the EU and NATO debates. It does so by engaging the region’s top experts and institutions, promoting innovative solutions, and working closely with governments to turn recommendations into policy.
The European Centre is a UN-affiliated intergovernmental organization concerned with all aspects of social welfare policy and research, including an international centre of applied social science and comparative empirical research on social policy and welfare, an information and knowledge centre providing social science-supported social policy intelligence through a think-net, a platform initiating future-oriented public policy debates on social welfare issues within the UN-European Region.
The Jefferson Institute is an independent research and education institute, inspired by Thomas Jefferson’s challenge to pursue truth, wherever it may lead. The institute informs decision with alternative solutions, deploying digital tools and integrating them with research and education systems to transform society by empowering engaged access to information. They also deliver on-line learning and digital archives, and make open data easy.