Moldova |
Association for Participatory Democracy "ADEPT" is a non-for-profit, independent, non-partisan and non-governmental organization based in Moldova. ADEPT was registered in January 2000 and is the local NGO successor of the seven-year program of the International Foundation for Election Systems in Moldova. In December 2000 ADEPT received the Certificate of Public Benefit (similar to the UK Charity Status). ADEPT is an analytical and practical center providing expert advice and information on electoral and democratic processes in the Republic of Moldova, South Eastern Europe and the New Independent States. ADEPT's mission is to promote and support citizen participation in all forms of public life.
PAS Center (former National Center for Medical Information - MedNet) was established in 1999 to take over the activities of the Medical Internet Program of the Soros Foundation - Moldova and ensure its sustainable development. PAS Center is a Moldovan, independent, non-profit, non-political organization. In 2007 the Center was reorganized, including the reform of its goals and objectives. Within this reorganization, PAS Center took over initiatives from the American International Health Alliance Inc (AIHA). Since 2003 AIHA carried out a comprehensive program aimed to strengthening TB control in Moldova working together with the Ministry of Health, Global Fund and other key partners. About 80% of AIHA staff formed the PAS Center team to assure sustainability and continuation of program initiatives on TB training and communication. The Mission of the PAS Center is to build up a democratic society through improvement and development of health and social sectors, policy advocacy and evaluation, capacity building and reform supporting.
The Center for Strategic Studies and Reforms (CISR) was founded in November 1996 as an independent think-tank whose main goal is to develop knowledge about the Moldovan transition economy and create proposals for practical solution to social and economic policy. The Center is a NGO, non-profit, self-funded organization. Its principal areas of activity are research, specifically looking at macroeconomic analysis and forecasting, real economy and SMEs development, regional programming, social policy, and European integration. It carries out educational and publishing activities. The center’s advisory activity is aimed at the Government, international organizations and research institutions and projects implemented in the country.
Expert-Grup is an independent think-tank in the Republic of Moldova. The think-tank does not have political affiliations and does not pursue commercial aims. Expert-Grup determines independently its institutional strategy. It is specialised in research, consulting and training in the area of social and economic policies. The mission of the Expert-Grup is to contribute to the economic, political and social development of the Republic of Moldova as well as to support consolidation of its international competitiveness. This mission is accomplished by delivering top-quality analytical services, and promoting efficient, transparent and innovative models in economic and social policy.
The Project for Civic Education and Academic Development Foundation. The main purpose of The Project for Civic Education and Academic Development is the development of civic education in Romanian society and the support of reform in the field of social sciences research and education. FPECDA seeks to pursue its goals by unfolding activities such as initiation and organization of civic activities promoting democratic values; organization of seminars, conferences, debates to promote the Foundation's objectives; editing of publications; professional assistance and consultancy in the field of social and political sciences; advancement and support of the introduction of new courses and new teaching methods in universities; promoting academic dialogue between Romanian and foreign specialists; promote and establish connections with other organizations. FPECDA is the Romanian local institution that administrated the international NGO Civic Education Project in Romania, between June 2002 and June 2004. A significant number of FPECDA's activities focused on research in the economic, political, social and educational fields related to the Republic of Moldova and FPECDA has extensive experience cooperating with scholars, think-tanks, and researchers from Moldova.
Independent Journalism Center (IJC), founded in 1994, began as a project of the Open World House. Now the center is an independent NGO which has received generous support from several international organizations.The mission of IJC is to facilitate the development of news media in Moldova through the support and promotion of professionalism among journalists as well as through the development of independent media organizations in the country. The center has a resource center with an extensive database, which has been created to meet the demands of journalists and media organizations. The database includes information on all Moldovan media organizations, use of materials from the IJC resource center is free and is available to the general public.
The Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) Viitorul is a research, education and outreach organization which activates in the field of economic analysis, governance, law, political sciences, strategic and organizational science. It was set up in June 1993 in Moldova as a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization, non-political entity. The IDIS’s mission is to contribute to the growth of independent thinking environment in Moldova and in other emerging democracies; to contribute to the strengthening of the local and regional governments; to assist the expansion of the civil society in which the citizens act together to express their own interests, to exchange information and to strive for mutual goals and influence government.
The Institute for Public Policy is an independent, nonpartizan and nonprofit organization, committed to the values of individual liberty, democratic society, rule of law, free market economy. Through research, publications, policy recommendations and public forums the Institute provides political, business, academic community and media leadership with a deep analysis of public policy issues confronting our society in order to improve the policymaking process.
The State University of Moldova was founded on October 1, 1946 by Prof. Macarie Radu and Prof. Mikhail Pavlov. Initially, there were 5 faculties in Physics and Mathematics; Geology and Soil Science; Biology; Chemistry; and History and Philology. Later, a number of new faculties and other units were founded, in chronological order, the Faculty of Economics, Law, Engineering, Foreign Languages and Literature, Preparatory Faculty for Foreign Students, Computer Centre, Faculty of Journalism Philosophy and Psychology and most recently the Faculty of Political Sciences in 1995. In 1964, the University gave rise to the Technical University of Moldova, the Academy of Economic Studies in 1991, and the Theological Academy in 1993. On the occasion of its 55th anniversary, the Government conferred it the status of National University. Nowadays, the University consists of 13 faculties and 54 departments with 80 specialties and specializations. The University programs and courses are dynamic and adapted to labor market requirements and in recent years, a new set of options have been introduced into the Curriculum, such as Sociology, Social Assistance, Public Administration, Technology of Cosmetic and Medical Products, Informational Management, and Public Communication. The Moldova State University is the first higher education institution accredited by the Government of Moldova. The accreditation certifies the high academic potential of the University and opens new horizons for its integration in the international university community, as well as for the recognition of qualifications obtained at the University.
The Soros Foundation - Moldova (SFM) is a non-governmental, non-for-profit and non-political organization which was established in 1992 by the financier and the philanthropist George Soros to promote the development of an open society in Moldova by developing and implementing a range of programs and activities that address specific areas of needs including arts and culture, education at all levels, rural economic development, legal reform and public administration, media and information, civil society and public health.