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The CIR is an independent, non-governmental, 12-year old think-tank, dedicated to the study of international relations and those foreign policy issues which are of crucial importance to Poland, Europe and transatlantic relations in both the long and the short-term. CIR carries out its own research projects, prepares reports and analyses and participates in international projects in cooperation with similar institutions in several countries. CIR founded the Foreign Policy Club – an influential forum for foreign policy analysis and debate, involving hundreds of leading politicians, diplomats, civil servants, local government officials, academics, students, journalists and representatives of NGOs.
CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research is an independent non-profit institute founded on the idea that research-based policy-making is vital for the economic welfare of societies. Established in Warsaw in 1991, today CASE is an internationally renowned think tank drawing on the talents of prominent economists and driving the creation of a network of partner institutions in transition countries. CASE carries out policy-oriented research and development assistance projects, specializing in questions of European integration, post-communist transition, and the global economy.
The Central Statistical Office is the central body of public administration in the field of statistics, performing its duties with assistance from sixteen official statistics offices. The Central Statistical Office serves the President of the Central Statistical Office and operates under his direct management.
The Centre for Eastern Studies (CES) was established in 1990. CES is financed from the state budget. Its task is to monitor and analyse the political, economic and social situation in the Central and Eastern European countries, in the Balkans, in the Caucasus and in Central Asia.
The main objects of CES research are a) the internal situations and stability of the countries in the area of CES’ interests, b) the systems of power, c) relations between particular political centres, d) foreign policies, e) issues related to NATO and EU enlargement, f) the ways the states of the region aspire to integrate with Western structures, g) energy supply security, h) existing and potential conflicts, and other issues pertaining to the security of Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
The Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (EUROREG) at the University of Warsaw is Poland's leader in interdisciplinary research and education in the field of regional and local studies and policies. It is the part of the Centre for Latino American Studies and American Studies Center. EUROREG places special focus on teaching practical skills to students. During workshop seminars in evaluation and spatial planning, students are required to apply their knowledge in cases based on experiences of regional and global governance and solve them in groups. Through close cooperation with the Polish Ministry of Regional Development and Polish Agency for the Enterprise Development the Centre can offer internships in units of these institutions coping with EU policies.
Center of Migration Research (CMR) constitutes one of six branches of the Institute for Social Studies (ISS). Established in 1993, it is an interdisciplinary group of researchers representing various departments of Warsaw University, Warsaw School of Economics and Institute of Political Studies (Polish Academy of Sciences) with a focus on international population movements, migrants' integration, ethnic relations and migration policy. Altogether about 20 researchers (demographers, sociologists, social antrophologists, political scientists and geographers) devote most of their research time there. Scientific activities of CMR are funded solely from grants won for the implementation of particular projects.
The Gdansk Institute for Market Economics is a non-governmental, independent scientific research institute established in 1989 as a non-profit foundation. The organisations's mission is to conduct research and formulate recommendations for state policies; to provide independent assessments of the economy for the public authorities, business sector and public opinion.
The ISS was established in January 1991, as an independent research unit of the University of Warsaw on the basis of the Memorandum of Agreement between the University of Warsaw and the University of Michigan. The Institute for Social Studies (ISS) at the University of Warsaw is affiliated with the internationally known Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. It is an interdisciplinary research oriented institution grouping sociologists, psychologists, economists and political scientists.
The Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD) is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organisation, whose main target of activity is implementation and dissemination of the sustainable development concept in Poland. The Institute has been established thanks to donations of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and, since 1995, also the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation has been supported the Institute. It focuses on economic, legal, social and political issues in connection with environmental protection; collaborates with Polish parliament, with state administration as well as local governments and non-governmental ecological movements.
The Institute of Public Affairs(IPA) is an independent, non-partisan public policy think tank. The IPA was established in 1995 to support modernisation reforms and to provide a forum for informed debate on social and political issues. It conducts research as well as societal analysis and presents policy recommendations. The Institute of Public Affairs has prepared reform proposals for the key areas in society and politics. The Institute has a network of associates, which consists of scholars from different academic institutions as well as numerous social and political actors. The IPA publicises the results of its activities in the form of books and policy papers. It also organises seminars, conferences and lectures. Its publications are distributed to members of parliament, government officials, the media and non-governmental organisations.
The Ministry is an institution providing service for the Minister to enable his execution of duties related to entrusted issues. According to the division of the government administration, the Minister of Economy is in charge of issues connected with the Polish economy. The Ministry is directly managed by the Minister, contrary to other institutions which are subordinated to him. The mission of the Ministry of Economy is to create the best conditions for business activity in Europe. It is a professional, effective and reliable institution based on new technologies and performing the government's economic policy in a dialog with social partners, and through active participation in the work of the European Union and international organizations. The strategic priorities of the Ministry of Economy are to support entrepreneurship, innovation and competitiveness, to provide better legal regulations, to promote partnership for economic growth, greater activity on the international market, to ensure the economic safety of the state and to contribute to efficient public administration.
The foreign affairs administration covers Poland ’s relations with other states and international organizations, representation and protection of interests of the Republic of Poland and of Polish nationals and legal persons abroad, cooperation with Poles living abroad, and the promotion of the Republic of Poland abroad.
After the collapse of communism, the superior state administration body realizing policy in the field of state security protection and public order became the Ministry of Interior. Its scope of activity included among others state security protection: protection of state principal political and economic interests, dealing with crimes of espionage and terrorism, supervising the State Protection Office, citizens security protection and public security and order protection: ensuring protection against illegal attempts on human life and health, material and cultural goods of the society, preservation of public order, including crime prevention. The Ministry is charged with supervision of the Police, the Border Guard, and co-ordinating protection activities in case of environmental disasters and other similar events endangering common security. The ministry has general coordination powers within state and professional confidence protection.
Ministry of the Environment, through its input into national policies,
fosters the environment both domestically and globally, and ensures the long-term,
sustainable national development with respect of natural heritage and human rights
to meet the needs of both the present and the future generations.
On 14 January 2006 a new body of government administration was established to take over from the Office of the President of Telecommunications and Post Regulation. The activities of the President of the Office of Electronic Communications are supervised by the Minister of Transportation in charge of the communications sector. The President of UKE is the national regulatory authority for the market of telecommunications and postal services. The President of UKE is also the specialised authority in the area of equipment conformity assessment, including telecommunications terminal equipment and radio equipment.
The Stefan Batory Foundation is an independent private Polish foundation established by American financier and philanthropist George Soros and registered in Poland in May 1988. Named after the 16th century king of Poland of Hungarian extraction, the Foundation’s mission is to support the development of an open, democratic society in Poland and other Central and East European countries. The key priorities of the Foundation are to enhance the role and involvement of civil society, to promote civil liberties and the rule of law and to develop international co-operation and solidarity. The Foundation works proactively, encouraging long-term thinking, partnership between the public and private sectors, innovative approaches, and coalition building in addressing social problems. In its activity, the Foundation is guided by the principles of transparency, openness and accountability. Its finances are professionally audited and published in the Annual Report, together with a list of grants awarded and projects implemented throughout the year. The basic method of Foundation’s operation is grantmaking. The Foundation also serves as a forum for activity, organizing conferences, debates and training seminars, publishing policy papers and reports, and initiating awareness campaigns. The Foundation encourages solidarity and generosity by offering administration of named funds and corporate funds to support initiatives that serve the public interest.
The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) is a leading Central European think tank that positions itself between the world of politics and independent analysis. PISM provides analytical support to decision-makers and diplomats, initiates public debate and disseminates expert knowledge about contemporary international relations. The work of PISM is guided by the conviction that the decision-making process in international relations should be based on knowledge that comes from reliable and valid research.The Institute carries out its own research, cooperates on international research projects, prepares reports and analyses and collaborates with institutions with a similar profile worldwide.