Romania |
The Asociatia Pro Democratia (APD) is a non-governmental, non profit and non-party affiliated organization established in 1990. APD currently has 30 clubs in which more that 1200 citizens (members and volunteers) participate in implementing our projects.
The mission of Asociatia Pro Democratia is to strengthen democracy in Romania by encouraging civic participation. The main fields of interest of APD are: strengthening the relation between the electorate and its elected representatives, observing the correctness of the electoral process, civic education; citizens' participation in the process of public policies drafting, the transparency of public institutions and their control by the civil society; protecting human rights.
CIVITAS Foundation for Civil Society, founded in October 1992, aims to stimulate local and regional development. The main reasons for its founding were the need to enhance local government capacity, and to stimulate citizens’ involvement in decision making and local governance. In order to achieve their mission, Civitas has set the following objectives: to develop and implement local and regional development programmes; to develop relationships between local government and the public, to support local initiatives; to organize specialized consulting in various fields for local governments; to organize training courses for local public officials, both elected and appointed; to support the establishment and functioning of non-governmental organizations.
CPE is committed to mainstreaming the principle of equal opportunities for women and men into public policy and associated practices. This is an integral part of democratization and further the goals of an open society through the re-definition of the status of women and through improving of their condition in Romania. CPE supports initiatives and runs programs and projects that raise awareness within Romanian society concerning women's present condition and the role they can and must play in the social development of our country.
The Center for Rural Assistance (CAR) has been set up by the Open Society Foundation Romania, and it is a non-governmental organization, member of the Soros Open Network Romania. CAR’s mission is to support community development in rural areas. It seeks to do this by increasing and better valuing the competences of actors in this domain and by creating and consolidating the capacities for the sustainable development of rural communities. CAR seeks to stimulate and encourage pro-active attitudes in rural communities, developing lasting and efficient strategic partnerships, implementing and integrating patterns of development and solutions for success, developing methods and instruments that are specific to rural development and advising relevant policy decision makers in order to adopt the best solutions for development.
The Institute for Public Policy (IPP) is a think-tank established in 2001 with the aim to support the development of democratic processes in Romania through in-depth research, comprehensive debates and nonpartisan public policy analysis. Its mission is to contribute to a better process of public policy formulation in Romania. From its very inception, the Institute made all efforts to adhere to high professional standards and to promote concrete, objective and data-supported policy measures, with the aim to contribute to a consolidation of the democratic system in Romania by promoting the ideal of public policy designed in accordance with European standards. IPP developed and consolidated a recognized expertise in the fields of public administration reform (public services reform, modernization of the civil service body, fiscal decentralization), political parties finance, analysis of electoral systems and processes. This was achieved by working with specialized personnel and by permanent collaboration with experts in the aforementioned fields. Since 2004, IPP is a member organization of the Policy Association for an Open Society (PASOS) network, together with other similar organizations from 22 countries.
The Ministry of Administration and Interior (MAI) deals with the general administration of the country, public order and state safety, and the coordination of select sectors of social and economical activity. According to the law, it sets measures for defending fundamental rights and liberties, as well as for defending the public and private property. It organizes and develops activities for preventing and countering terrorism, organized crime, illicit trafficking and consumption of drugs, trafficking in persons, illegal migration, computer crime, as well as other crimes and antisocial deeds. In the field of public administration, MAI’s responsibilities include restructuring of the central and local public administration, elaborated on basis of the Governing Programme and in compliance with European Union standards and domestic legislation;ensuring the achieving of strategies in its own activity field guides and controlling the activities of Prefects in their fulfilment of the Governing Programme.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania is the Government institution that deals with agricultural policies, rural development, forests and natural resource administration.
The mission of the Ministry of Communications and Information Society is to create solid foundations to enable the transition to the Information Society in Romania. This transition is a strategic objective for the Romanian Government for 2004 - 2008 as well as being one of the conditions for Romania’s accession to the European Union.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is the institution of the central public administration in charge with carrying out the foreign policy of the Romania in compliance with the legal framework in effect and with the Programme of Government. This includes participating in the process of European and Euro-Atlantic integration. In the pursuit of its objectives, the MFA develops relations of cooperation with other governmental agencies, with civil society and with the business community, directing its action towards satisfying the demands of the citizen in the limits of its competence.
The Ministry of National Defence (MoND) is the specialized body of the central public administration, submitted to the Government, conducting the national defence activity according to the law and to the strategy of national security, with a view to safeguarding national sovereignty, state independence and unity, territorial integrity and constitutional democracy. The Ministry of National Defence is responsible to the Parliament, the Government and the Supreme Council of National Defence for the implementation of provisions of the Constitution, laws in force, decisions of the Government and the Supreme Council of National Defence, of international treaties ratified by Romania.
The Ministry of Public Finance is the most important Government institution, with synthesis role for the activity of the economic, financial and fiscal structures in Romania. It operates based on Law No.90/2001 regarding the organisation and operation of the Romanian Government and the ministries, Law No.500/2002, regarding Public Finance and on Government Decision No.267/regarding the organisation and operation of the Ministry of Public Finance, implementing the Government Program and strategy for Public Finances.
Public Policy Centre, Romania is an independent non-profit non-governmental organization, founded in 2003, which mainly aims to contribute to public debate about major public policy of the country and the European Union.
Romanian Academic Society (SAR) is a think-tank founded in 1995. The goals of SAR are:
a) to contribute to good governance and development through policy research and advocacy;
b) to enhance the contribution of independent experts to the process of policy design in Romania, through public dialogue and evaluations of alternative policy proposals;
c) to contribute to the (re)building of the fields of applied social sciences, economics and public policy in Romania after fifty years of Communism;
d) to contribute to the European integration of Romania and the stability of the Balkan area through research, monitoring and advocacy.
The Romanian Center for Economic Policies (RCEP) is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-political organization, founded on October 30, 1998. The initiative of founding the Romanian Center for Economic Policies belongs to the Romanian Society of Economics, to the Open Society Institute - Budapest foundation and to the Foundation for Economic Reforms. The Romanian Center for Economic Policies (RCEP) shall contribute to the creation and permanent development of a climate for dialogue on economic policy issues, improving the coherence, public acceptance and implementation of the reform policies. The Romanian Center for Economic Policies (RCEP) is primarily focused on elaborating, analyzing and evaluating economic policies, improving the existing capacities in formulating, correlating and implementing these policies. Its goal is also to develop the communication process within the structures of public administration and between those and the civil society, harmonizing the economic policies with the social needs.